Or was it my Easy Bake Oven with its dangerously hot light bulb? I loved cooking those teeny tiny deserts.
I don't really think it was either. As much as I would love to blame some toy company for brainwashing me at a young age I really can't.
I love sugar. That's right, let me say it again. I LOVE SUGAR! Ice cream, cake, candy, pancakes. I'm a complete junkie for anything sweet. That's right, my name is Erin Case and I'm a girl scout cookie-aholic. Damn those happy little scouts in their uniforms pushing those delicious cookies in front of the grocery store. It's my civic duty to buy and eat as many of them as humanly possible, right?
Well it's all about to change. I'm 30 years old and in the worse shape of my life. I am 5'6 and I weigh over 230 pounds (this is a number that I'm really not proud of and pretty ashamed to even put in writing for the world to see). I think Louis C.K. put it best, in regards to my ideal weight "I'm pretty sure it's not your age plus 200 pounds." I've been feeling really awful lately. I get winded just walking up stairs. I just feel gross all of the time. I want to make a change in my life.
My co-worker told me about this documentary where this guy drank nothing but juice for 60 days and lost 90 pounds. I was really interested in the premise and I decided to watch it. I was totally inspired. He bought fresh fruits and vegetables and had nothing but the juice from them for 60 days. On his journey he convinced two other people to try it. One of the people lost over 200 pounds. I thought, if these people could do why couldn't I.
So I've decided Monday, August 1, 2011 I am going to start 31 days of juice fasting. I'm totally expecting it to be really hard but I am determined. My goal is to lose at least 15 pounds. I have two weeks to prepare. I need to buy a juicer and a scale. If anyone has any suggestions on a good juicer or scale let me know. I plan on blogging the whole journey. So wish me luck. It's sure to be an interesting experience and hopefully a life changing one.
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