On Saturday morning I caught up on some shows I had DVRed. Saturday afternoon Ken and I took a trip to Michaels, Lowes, and Target. Ken and I both had some craft projects we wanted to work on so we went to Michaels to stock up on supplies. I've also begun cross-stitching, which is much easier than crocheting. That project is top secret for now but once it's finished I will be sure to post some pictures.
We had quite an interesting time at Lowes. We needed to buy a watering can and a dust buster. Unfortunately there was some weird guy beat boxing in the vacuum aisle and they only had one dust buster and it was not really what we were looking for.
We stopped at Target last which was really busy. Saturday afternoon and Target's busy, go figure. We found a dust buster and a few other things we needed and headed for home. After we unloaded the car and had lunch I went grocery shopping. Then came home and did some cross-stitching for a few hours.
Sunday morning I got up and did some more cross-stitching. I think I'm hooked. Ken and I went to the library and I found a book about crocheting and Ken got a few books as well. Then home for some hardcore cleaning and that brings me up to this moment when I realized I hadn't blogged in some time.
I didn't get any exercising in this weekend but I'll be back at the gym first thing tomorrow morning. I've been going in the mornings before work and that has been pretty good. That way I still get to come home after work and hang out with Ken. I'm hoping all of these new projects will keep me distracted with the winter months coming and keep me from shoveling food in my face. The holidays are always difficult. Well, that's all I have for today.
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