Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Do you think they would let me exchange this thing?

Man, talk about kicking a girl while she's down. I got a call from my new doctor's office today to let me know that I have high thyroid levels. So I guess this is one more thing that I can add to the list of things wrong with me. I wish there was some sort of option for body exchange. This one is defective, can I have another? Maybe a robot body? That would be sweet. Okay the one pictured might be too creepy.

So they sent me a prescription for Levothyroxine. I really should quit reading the pamphlets that Walgreens provides with the medication. All those pamphlets seem to do is freak me out about what this crazy stuff is that they want me to take.

Switching topics, I was really excited because I weighed myself Monday and I lost 2 pounds. Woo-Hoo! I was starting to think I would never lose another pound with the weight loss drought I was having. I've been going to the gym at work this week. I am missing the usual faces from my gym but I've also been early for work everyday this week and I've already saved money on gas considerably. It is going to be a tough decision whether I will go back to 24 hour fitness. I've met some really great people there and they have more equipment and amenities than the work gym but the work gym is free. It's a place I'm already going to and it saves me time and money and I can even sleep a little longer in the morning. I don't know, I might have to make one of those pro and con lists cause this one is a toughie.

I am a week a way from my trip home. I am getting pretty excited to see family and friends and to see my little sister get married. It's really weird to see your younger siblings get married. It makes you feel old. Seriously, you guys gotta quit doing that. I'll probably start catching myself saying things like, "Back in my day we didn't have the Internets" or "We had to walk to school in the snow, up hill, both ways." It's really only a matter of time.

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