Wow today was a long day. I woke up feeling really blah so I decided to have the fruit juice for breakfast today. I really needed it this morning.
Breakfast juice:
2 oranges
2 red grapefruit
3 kiwi
yield: 20 oz
Lunch juice:
3-4 carrots
2 apples
1 pear
2 handfuls spinach
22 oz
I held off until 12:30 today to have the lunch juice. It was really unsatisfying. I could smell the aroma of real food coming from other people's cubes and it just bummed me out. I was reading an email from someone with the last name Friedman today and it made me think of fried rice. Mmmmmmm fried rice. I was much crankier in the afternoon and really tired. I had this feeling like I had nothing to look forward to but an evening of more juice.
When I got home I laid on the couch and drifted in and out of sleep for an hour until I made myself get up. I drank 8 oz of lunch juice that I had left over and drank a bunch of water. I watched the movie The Town which was pretty good. I've had a headache for the last hour but it's starting to go away now. I've been thinking of going back to veggie soup in the evenings again. I've been having a hard time getting enough veggies in my juice and I feel like the soup is something to look forward to in the evenings.
Sorry that tonight's post is so short but I just don't have it in me tonight. I do want to say thank you to everyone that's been reading and for everyone's words of encouragement. It is helpful to know people are rooting for me. By the way sorry that the blog is a little plain looking. I haven't had much time to customize it. Writing the posts every night has taken me a lot long than I thought it would. I guess my writing muscle is a little flabby (along with most of my actual muscles).
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