Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 9

Man, I really shouldn't have bought a scale. I'm keeping the scale next to my treadmill because there isn't enough room in the bathroom for it. After I finished my 34 minute walk (1.5 miles) I decided to weigh myself. I gained back 2.5 pounds. ARRRGGGGHHHH! All I've eaten in the last two days is fruit, veggie soup, and salad with light Italian dressing. I know I shouldn't have weighed myself again yet but again with the curiosity. I can't seem to learn my lesson.

I scheduled my registration appointment for the 6 week boot camp today. I need to make an appointment with my doctor before I start just to make sure everything is okay before I begin some hardcore workouts. I didn't consult her before I started the diet and I probably should have. I think I'm going to start the bootcamp on the 22nd so I'm going to cut the fruit and veggie diet a few days short. I've heard it takes 21 days to form a habit so I'll be right at that mark. I will be interested in the meal plan and advice they give me at the boot camp.

In the meantime I think may alternate days between juicing days and whole fruits and veggies days to mix things up. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good and inexpensive blender, one that chops ice well? I have a smoothie plan in mind for once I'm done. I'll take any good (and healthy) smoothie recipes too if you got 'em.

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